Saturday, February 21, 2009

Guest Post - Colt Wallace

My mommy has been so busy this week that she has not even had time to tell you about my first birthday party! I wanted to help her out so I offered to write it for her ... who better to write about my party than me, Colt Wallace.

I woke up early last Saturday morning because I was too excited to sleep! Mommy came and got me out of my crib and took me downstairs for breakfast. When she sat me in my seat I realized that everything looked really different. There were so many new things to see.

I had asked that we have a construction party since my head has been "under construction" for the last 6 months.
So, there was a dump truck in the middle of the table, construction hats on the hutch, balloons everywhere and caution tap all over the doors and light fixtures. I was captivated by everything and just sat in my chair to look at it for awhile. There were also extra people down there. My Poppy, Mimi and Pop had all come in, from the airport where they live, to play!

We all sat down and had a fun breakfast and then I got a bath. When I came back downstairs the doorbell rang and it was my friend Savvy Smith. When I welcomed her in I saw that Daddy had put big orange cones with "Happy Birthday" balloons lining both sides of the driveway ... it looked really good. After Savvy came in it seemed like the bell rang kept ringing and all of my friends were there. (Let's see, who all was there ... Addy Green, Kya Muse, Rylan Muse, Brock-olli, Park Prater, Miss Amber, Cornbread, Copper Lee, Maddox Lee and all of the parents that belong to my friends.) We all played on the floor and had the best time. Then, it was time for lunch.

Mommy and Daddy had made brown bag lunches, like a real construction worker would have. The bags had big sub sandwiches, chips, apples and juice (of course, I had a milk because I still need to grow more). After lunch Mommy got something out of the frig, which she called a cake, and everyone started singing to me. Everyone put on their construction party hats and sang "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Colt, Happy birthday to you." Then, the best part of the party happened.

Someone cut the cake and Mommy gave me a piece as big as my head. Oh my, it was so goooooood! It was so good I didn't know what to say, so I just shoved more of the cake into my mouth. In fact, it was so yummy that I wanted my whole face to get in on the fun so I rubbed my hands all over my face and hair ... I could not get enough cake. I kept eating it for almost 10 minutes and loved every second of it. Mommy finally took the plate form my chair and cleaned me off.

I was still interested in the cake and whined a bit when I couldn't have more. But, when we went in the living room we opened presents and that was fun too. I love the paper that gifts come with and liked to show it off after the present was opened. Since it was my first time to open a birthday present, Addy and Kya helped me open them all. I was getting really tired after all of this had happened so all of my friends went home so that I could take a nap.

It was a fun day and I can't wait for the next one ... any idea when that will be? If you see my Mommy, let her know that I would like another party soon so that I can have more cake!

Monday, February 16, 2009

By Leaps and Bounds

Colt learned how to scale the couch tonight! I was impressed and clapped in praise of him. Then I started thinking about the proportions with which Colt was dealing. The couch comes up to his shoulders and he lifted himself off of the ground and up onto it. That would be like me trying to dead lift off of the ground and onto a Honda Accord ... Now that would be a funny site. When you think about it that way, Colt pulling himself onto the couch is very impressive! You go baby boy, you deserve a cookie for that unprompted feat of strength!!!

Times Are Changing

I realized tonight, when I got home from work, how different my life is now that I have a child. Before Colt, my nights looked extremely different. I used to be able to work until I was done and then pick up fast food with Michael on the way home. Or, we could knock off work early and head out on a date for the evening, getting home whenever we were tired.

As it is, we have to leave work by 5:30 so that we can pick up Colt and get home by 6:15. When we get home we head to our specific corners. Michael gets Colt from the car and takes him in to change his diaper from the car ride and inevitable "car ride" poop. He then takes off his clothes in preparation of my end of the corner and distracts him with books.

While Michael is doing those things I am busily unpacking the cooler from FCLC and getting Colt's dinner going. Since he is a growing boy he can't have just anything, it needs to be balanced, colorful and healthy. While Colt's dinner is in the works I am sweeping around the kitchen preparing tomorrow's lunch, cleaning out the diaper bag, replacing the items that were used during the day. Like packing more socks, shoes, pants, shirts, diapers and snacks for the next day's activities.

Once I have finished those things Colt's food is done cooking and ready to be served. I get him seated and fed. While he eats, Michael and I get our food ready to eat. Hopefully this is fast enough that Colt is still eating when we sit down to eat. Once dinner is over, I distract and play with Colt while Michael cleans the kitchen.

This takes us to 7:10, and it is time for a bath. We get upstairs to put Colt in his bath and then to his room for pj's. This takes us to 7:25 and there is just enough time to read 2 books, say our prayers and put Colt to bed.

No longer do we enjoy relaxing evenings or spontanious nights out. Moreoever, we will get up tomorrow and do the whole thing over again ... but I wouldn't change a thing!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Colt needs discipline

Colt has gotten used to his discipline and we are going to have to try something new. His biggest issue is pushing the buttons on the DVR. He loves the little shinny buttons and that they make noise when he pushes them. We are very consistent about saying "no sir" when he gets close and looks like he is going to touch a button. If, after we say "no sir" he turns and touches the button anyway we pop his hand. This has been going on for several weeks and Colt has gotten used to the actions.

Yesterday, he was walking by the DVR and he turned to look at me. I said "no sir" firmly and then watched to see what he would do. Colt turned back to the buttons, looked for a few seconds and then walked past. I was so proud, I got up off the floor to go hug him and tell him what a good job he had done. Before I could get to him he dropped to the ground and clapped for himself ... he was so proud!

I wish I could say that was the end of the story and that I had won a moral victory with Colt; but, unfortunately, that is not the end of the story. After he dropped to the ground he stood back up and went for the buttons. Confident that he would remember the scene that had just ensued, I said "no sir" but stayed seated. He looked at me, turned back to the buttons and pushed the big one in the middle. Before I could scolded him, he stuck his hand out, fingers spread, to receive his hand pop. I followed through, popped his hand, and he did something I was not expecting. He dropped to the ground and clapped for me, as if he was proud of me. I could not believe it.

So, if you have any ideas on how to discipline my 1 year old please let me know!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where has all the boy stuff gone?

As a mom of a little boy, I constantly find myself asking "where has all of the boy stuff gone?" If you are not a mom or if you are a girl mom, next time you are out shopping walk into any boutique and peruse the layout. You will find that there is a wall with boyish clothes and items, but the rest of the store is stocked with girlie accessories. As a girl, I totally understand the need for lots of accessories! But, when it comes to shopping for my Colt I can't ever find enough "cool" stuff for him. So, I plan to use this section of my blog to post random places to find fun boy things.

As I find things online or around town I will update this posting to let you know where I find things. Likewise, if you find great boy things around town please comment to let others know where to find them! Together, I am confident that we can find where all the boy stuff has gone.

Colt's new seat

Colt got a new car seat today; it is actually well over due. At 31 inches, 27 pounds, Colt has been too long and too big for his current seat for a long time. I don't think that I conscientiously put it off, but I have taken my sweet time getting his "big boy" seat. That all changed today when I tried to put him in the seat after church and the clips would not snap closed. As soon as we got home Colt went to play with Savvy and Michael and I headed out to find his new seat.

Knowing how I am, Michael was prepared for the search. Yes, I am concerned with the safety features, that it was made in the US and that it will be sturdy enough for my little road runner. However, I was most concerned about the color and the cup holders. When we bought the first car seat we wanted it to be generic so that we could share the seats with multiple children, so I wanted the same thing for this one. Since the first seat was sage and chocolate brown I wanted this one to be similar. We had to go several places to find the right brown one that met all of our standards, but we finally found the right one.

When I read the package I realized that this seat is good until he is 100 pounds! 100 pounds! Unreal, I know a few junior high students that could fit in Colt's seat and it made me wonder ... how many students could still be sitting in a booster seat and how long will it take Colt to grow out of it!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Colt

Colt is turning 1 this week and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that it's already been a year since he was born. Even though he is only 1, God has used Colt in so many ways to grow me physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.

As I consider all the changes I've seen Colt make this year it has dawned on me how much I've changed. It's as if motherhood has changed who I am as a person and I never realized the depth of that change. From my tiny clutch purse to my huge diaper bag, from taking an hour to get ready to 15 minutes of prep time while Colt plays with my toes; everything about my life has changed.

I think back to before Colt was born, I was not like most pregnant women. I dreaded the change that a baby would bring. I shuddered to think about giving up "me" time and always focusing on another person. I have heard the many cliches and isms below before. But, unexpectedly, through Colt's growth, surgery and changes they have become my lessons this year.

- I have learned that I am a much stronger woman than I thought I was.
- I have learned that no matter how sick or tired I am, when I hear his cry I have the strength to take care of him.
- I've learned that being a good mother makes me a better wife and friend.
- I've learned how much it hurts to correct your child, especially when they cry at you.
- I've learned I can control my temper because little eyes and ears are watching (... well, I am still working on this one.)
- I've learned how important it is to have other people in your life to share experiences with.
- I've learned how little sleep I truly need.
- I've learned the true meaning of sacrifice.
- I've learned that when you love someone you don't consider the things you give up as sacrifices because your love seems greater than what you are giving up.
- I've learned how amazing God is.
- I've learned how much I need God to be a good mom and wife.
- I've learned how important a strong marriage is to your child
- I've learned I would do anything to protect my child.

The greatest of all the things I've learned in the past year is that no matter what has happened in my day, coming home and hearing "mama" is in fact the best sound in the world.

Colt is turning 1 and after looking back at all I have learned in the last year, I can't wait to see what the next year holds! HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLT!


Back in November Colt had surgery to correct a cranial deformity that he was present at birth. Titled craniosynostisis, it took two surgeries and two weeks in the hospital. During each surgery they had to go in, remove portions of his skull and reshape an area of his skull. It was a dangerous process for him and difficult for us, as parents, to watch him go through so much at such a young age.

The second surgery was worse than the first because they had to operate on the front of his skull. This left his swelling so bad that his eyes were swollen shut, leaving him temporarily blind. Being a nine month old Colt was not talking and barely knew sign language. He was so good about not getting too fussy when he couldn't communicate what he wanted with us. But, as all babies do, he did want to play outside of the hospital bed. He couldn't get out of the bed because he was hooked up to too many wires and IV's. So, to accommodate his desire to play he learned how to play peek-a-boo. Even though he couldn't see he would grab anything around him to hold over his face. However, because he couldn't see he would grab wires or a stuffed animal to "cover himself" and play. It was so adorable and we loved that he learned to communicate with us doing what he could to play.

We learned so much through our time in the hospital but nothing was as special as watching our little boy play peek-a boo ... because it was at that moment that we knew he was going to be ok!


We are blessed to have several couples that we can hang out with on a regular basis that also have kids. They both have girls, Addy and Savvy, so Colt is the only boy in the mix. But that's ok by him ... he can be quit the flirt.

Last night we all had a wedding to go to so the kids came over to our house so that they could play together and we could share a sitter. Addy and Savvy both have a stuffed animal that they love. It is a small, used-to-be-fluffy pet dog. Addy started it off by naming her little puppy "Jo-Jo". Then, when Savvy turned 1 Addy gave her a "Jo-Jo" of her own. The girls take their "Jo-Jo" dogs everywhere and even though they are the same stuffed animal, they know which is which.

The kids were all in bed last night when we got back from the wedding so we didn't get to talk to Colt after his little play date. This morning we were downstairs playing with Colt and he started asking for "Jo-Jo". We thought it was cute and dismissed it. But he kept saying "Jo-Jo, Jo-Jo, JO-JO"! He got so worked up, as only Colt can, so I handed him a giraffe stuffed animal that Addy gave him when he was born. He got so excited that he dropped to the ground and clapped for me. For the rest of the afternoon he would ask for "Jo-Jo", I would hand him the giraffe and he would clap for my understanding.

It is so cute to see him growing up and catching on to what items are called. It is hard to think that my baby is now a little boy but I would not trade the process for anything.

Monday, February 2, 2009

31 Flavors of Holly

I found these questions on a friend’s blog and thought it would be fun to answer them myself. You are supposed to have a one word answer for each. I will seriously attempt to answer each one with one word, but some might be answered with a short phrase.

1. Where is your cell phone? In my back pocket
2. Where is your significant other? Beside me on the couch
3. Your hair color? Changes almost weekly
4. Your mother? Inspiring
5. Your father? Admirable
6. Your favorite thing? Michael and Colt
7. Your dream last night? I dreamed I was on a beach, singing to the ocean
8. Your goal? To relax with my family
9. The room you are in? Brown
10. Your hobby? I am working on making blogging a hobby ... until then, shopping will sufice
11. Your fear? Colt being kidnapped
12. Where do you want be in six years? I want to have 2 more additions to the Wallace family ... be it dog or child
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you are not? Decorator
15. One of your wish list items? Maid
16. Where you grew up? North Carolina
17. The last thing you did? Wrote "Thank You" notes
18. What you are wearing? Grey pants, yellow shirt with brown and yellow tunic over top
19. Your TV? The Unit and OTH
20. Your pet? Callie
21. Your computer? Laptop
22. Your mood? Tired ... but hopeful
23. Missing someone? Julie
24. Your car? Nissan Murano
25. Something you are not wearing? A scarf
26. Favorite story? Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
27. Your Summer? Camp
28. Love someone? MANY!
29. Your favorite color? Black to wear, red and carolina blue to see
30. When was the last time you laughed? Colt's little dance
31. Last time you cried? Today during staff meeting

Live. Laugh. Love.

I am finally joining the "blogging train"! Although I have been reading your blogs for months I am just now beginning my own. After being inspired by you, I am going to start posting the snippets of my life: my living, laughing, loving (and sometimes complaining)! When Michael and I got married we made this quote our family motto. Since that time we have tried to live life to the fullest, laugh at things that don't matter and love others with all we have. That has lead me to realize that all of life falls into these three categories. For these reasons I feel compelled to write this blog. My goal is that by reading this blog others will be able to look at their own life to see laughter and love.