Thursday, February 12, 2009

Colt needs discipline

Colt has gotten used to his discipline and we are going to have to try something new. His biggest issue is pushing the buttons on the DVR. He loves the little shinny buttons and that they make noise when he pushes them. We are very consistent about saying "no sir" when he gets close and looks like he is going to touch a button. If, after we say "no sir" he turns and touches the button anyway we pop his hand. This has been going on for several weeks and Colt has gotten used to the actions.

Yesterday, he was walking by the DVR and he turned to look at me. I said "no sir" firmly and then watched to see what he would do. Colt turned back to the buttons, looked for a few seconds and then walked past. I was so proud, I got up off the floor to go hug him and tell him what a good job he had done. Before I could get to him he dropped to the ground and clapped for himself ... he was so proud!

I wish I could say that was the end of the story and that I had won a moral victory with Colt; but, unfortunately, that is not the end of the story. After he dropped to the ground he stood back up and went for the buttons. Confident that he would remember the scene that had just ensued, I said "no sir" but stayed seated. He looked at me, turned back to the buttons and pushed the big one in the middle. Before I could scolded him, he stuck his hand out, fingers spread, to receive his hand pop. I followed through, popped his hand, and he did something I was not expecting. He dropped to the ground and clapped for me, as if he was proud of me. I could not believe it.

So, if you have any ideas on how to discipline my 1 year old please let me know!

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