Sunday, February 8, 2009

Colt's new seat

Colt got a new car seat today; it is actually well over due. At 31 inches, 27 pounds, Colt has been too long and too big for his current seat for a long time. I don't think that I conscientiously put it off, but I have taken my sweet time getting his "big boy" seat. That all changed today when I tried to put him in the seat after church and the clips would not snap closed. As soon as we got home Colt went to play with Savvy and Michael and I headed out to find his new seat.

Knowing how I am, Michael was prepared for the search. Yes, I am concerned with the safety features, that it was made in the US and that it will be sturdy enough for my little road runner. However, I was most concerned about the color and the cup holders. When we bought the first car seat we wanted it to be generic so that we could share the seats with multiple children, so I wanted the same thing for this one. Since the first seat was sage and chocolate brown I wanted this one to be similar. We had to go several places to find the right brown one that met all of our standards, but we finally found the right one.

When I read the package I realized that this seat is good until he is 100 pounds! 100 pounds! Unreal, I know a few junior high students that could fit in Colt's seat and it made me wonder ... how many students could still be sitting in a booster seat and how long will it take Colt to grow out of it!

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